Saturday, April 23, 2011

Royal Wedding of 4-29-2011

I've viewed many comparisons of charts, but have never seen such negative energy as I see between Prince William and the wedding ceremony as well as between Kate Middleton and the wedding ceremony. It is obvious they 1) either did not have an Astrologer well-versed in Electional Astrology to help them set a date and time or 2) wanted to go forward with all these obstacles and the "power" theme.

I'm including the synestry grids that compare each of their natal charts with the chart of the wedding ceremony set for exact time of ceremony. Please note we do not have an exact time of birth for Kate Middleton. Therefore, her Ascendant, Mid-heaven, and (possibly) Moon may be well off the mark of what is shown.

With all the squares and oppositions, the wedding ceremony (date and time) is not positive for either person. This is interesting because so many royals in the past used Astrologers to set dates and times for important events. If Kate and William used an Astrologer, they needed a second opinion. If they did not seek advice of an Astrologer, they certainly are not the New Age people I would expect them to be when their marriage is touted as the "event of the Century." I can understand that most individuals would not seek an Electional Chart, but the Royals? I'm surprised by that! There are many excellent Astrolgoers in Great Britain.

We are not even explaining the meaning of Uranus, Venus, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter in Aries nor the exact conjunction of Mars and Jupiter at 21 Aries. Also, we're not delineating the meaning of the Moon at 26 Pisces, which conjuncts Uranus in 6 months.

All this Aries energy relates to power - no doubt there will be enormous security on hand. Is "power" the theme one wants for a wedding? To each his own, I guess!

I know others see perfection in the relationship of Prince William and Kate. When I look at the comparison of one's natal chart to the other's, I don't see that perfection. There are positives, but also negatives or bumps.

Below are the images of the synestry charts. If you can't see them clearly, email me and I will email them to you as an attachment in PDF format.

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