Of course, the event was a horrible tragedy.
First, since I do a lot of research, my thinking is that everyone on an airplane that crashed and died together must have some point in their natal charts that are the same. I'm not a believer in random.
So, I have started collecting the birth data of the people on Flight 93, that crashed in Pennsylvania. The times are NOT a piece I can locate, but I am locating dates and places of birth.
This means I won't have the house info with the Ascendent, Descendent, Midheaven, or Nadir (IC) OR the Arabian Parts that depend upon house info. My research into those natal charts of individuals may be flawed, but I'll give it a try with what is available.
Second, it is interesting to me that the Destiny Number of each flight can be calculated and they four flights are 2, 3, 4, and 5. That is too much of a coincidence for me.
As I discover more, I will place the info in my books I'm writing binder. The progressed chart for the U.S. Constitution (which is what I use for the birth of the country - I do NOT use the July 4, 1776 as the birth - to me that is the start of the labor pains, since the country did NOT become a legitimate entity until the Constitution was ratified) - that progressed natal chart as well as the transits for 9-11 certainly show the event.