Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why the Breakdowns of Governments at This Time (Egypt, etc.)

All graphics referred to in this writing will be available in MasterPoints™ papers as well as the Guidebook to the Aquarian Age. These will be published in the future.

Many Astrologers are explaining the current activities. This brief explanation uses the new Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™, which is now at the beginning of being released in full to the public. Most of the text is introductory.

Years ago, we revealed a great deal of this new astrology by placing the graphics and explanations in our website on the Internet, It was available for only a short period of time and was there only to seed a few people around the world who would inhale the ideas presented.

In 2006, some of these ideas were taught to members and guests of the Astrological Society of North Texas when I gave a program on Ophiuchus, the 13th Sign.

Now, the time is coming for full revelation in a more permanent manner.

In Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™, what were “signs” are now “Systems” and all Systems for this 24,000-Year “Master Sunday” begin with the idea or ideal of God’s Plan, Destiny, as shown to us through the Astrologies of the Ages (Vedic, Piscean Age, now Aquarian Age, etc.).

The Idea or Ideal is always Step 1. In fact, it is the first half of Step 1, since at the time of the idea, we don’t have it ALL. Only by moving from the idea and through the entire Plan of 12 Steps can we master the steps and we come back around to where we started, but we are now Aware of the trip and our consciousness has moved up a level (like moving up a rung on a ladder). When we return to Step 1, we have lifted our consciousness and, therefore, have reached Step 13 – the Mastery Step.

At Step 13, having Mastered the previous series of steps, we now get a new idea and do another round. We continue with this, going round and round, learning, experiencing, etc. The reason I try to spell my name as Lee masters (lower case letter “m”) is to designate I am mastering concepts. In this case, masters is a verb rather than a last name.

Although in Piscean Age Astrology, movement is primarily counter-clockwise (against the Sun, also known as “anti-Christ”), in Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™ we move in both directions.

Think of the numeral 8 and lay it on its side to form the symbol for infinity ∞. We are in the center and we move counter-clockwise when we go toward the right. We move clockwise when we go toward the left. We can choose to do all this running around OR we can stop the running around, “Be Still and Know That I AM God,” as the Holy Bible instructs us to do. From this “centered” position, we can tell what is happening in both directions.

In other words, when we’re trapped in the rounds, we are like a baby or new soul, experiencing everything physically and emotionally. Later, although we may still be trapped in this constant recycling, we are now able to label the physical objects and emotional activities. We are able to recognize the label when we hear someone else speak the word. This labeling is known as the mental level or knowing something.
Hue-mans on this planet have reached a point where we are cognizant that we are a physical body living in an emotional pool and labeling or knowing stuff. We know a lot of stuff.

After one reaches a point of knowing a lot of stuff, life becomes boring and we’re ready for something else. Therefore, our consciousness lets us become Aware that we are a Seed on the Spiritual Level. On this level, we “know that we know.” The great teachers throughout history have emphasized this Spiritual Level.

Animals are on the physical, emotional, mental levels, but aren’t conscious of themselves as knowing that they know something. Hue-mans have reached the level of Awareness of knowing we know, even if the Hue-man has only reached the Seed position. The great teachers throughout history have reached the Mastery position and their teachings offer us the idea and ideals to continue our trip so we reach Mastery position also.

Once we moved far along the Awareness or Spiritual Path, we are ready to stop all the flustering and repeating and we begin to know what is coming and can prepare for it.

This Awareness of Spiritual level is known as reaching Higher Consciousness. Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™ is for people who want to work on this Higher Consciousness level rather than living so much in the Animal Kingdom-Hue-Man level. People who want to work at Higher Consciousness are called Initiates and have stepped onto the path of total self-knowledge, moving toward at-one-ment with the Creator. At-one-ment is labeled Atonement in the Holy Bible.

Another way of saying this is: in consciousness, many of us are moved “up” or into a “finer” level of Awareness and OUT of the Animal Zodiac, which has been in use for thousands of years. The Animal Zodiac has many animal signs and a few non-animal. Animal signs include, for example, Aries the Ram, Taurus the Bull, Leo the Lion, etc.). The Animal Zodiac is what is known as “The Beast” in Revelations of the Holy Bible.

Certainly, many people will prefer Piscean Age Astrology using the Zodiac, since it is known by them and therefore comfortable. Some who continue with the Piscean Age Astrology may well be Initiates who prefer that to the new information.

Life is about timing and people will move to something new when the TIME IS RIGHT FOR THEM TO DO SO. It will take the entire 2160-year Age of Aquarius for many people to accept and use Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™.

Some of us are no longer entirely controlled by our animal instincts and are anxious to use the new astrology. I cannot emphasize enough that this choice is about timing, not competence. We do NOT judge others. We judge ourselves as we are today compared to how we were yesterday.

If the new information doesn’t at all make sense to you, or even irritates you, let it go. The time is not right for you and, in fact, may never be. Over your lifetimes, you may skip Aquarian Age Astrology and move on to Capricorn Age Astrology, which is coming in hundreds of years. The hope is you won’t try to stop the use of Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™ by those of us who find this helpful..

It is important to state that in all our endeavors, over millions of years, we are not actually moving to a higher consciousness. We are connecting to something that was already there, but we were NOT ready for it. The All has already provided. Until we are ready to receive it, we don’t connect to it. Electricity always has been available, but manking wasn’t ready to discover and use (and abuse) it.

Much more about connections will be presented at a later time in another writing.

In order to show we no longer are animals, Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™ no longer uses the Animal Zodiac (the word Zodiac comes from the word that means zoo). In our new astrology, we show the CrystaLine BrainTrain™ as the circle. It has 12 cars and each car represents a System. One car, Scorpio, also includes Ophiuchus, The Snake Bearer, which is healing.

Since Scorpio is the Timing System, Ophiuchus, which appears at the end, is the healing function of time. We may not heal in one lifetime, but over various lifetimes we heal from every dis-ease.

Piscean Age Astrology uses “signs” and Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™ uses “systems.”

The systems are just like the ones you know in your physical body:
DNA or Genetic (lays out the plan for an individual – hair color, height,
vulnerabilities to develop dis-eases, etc.)
Filtering (selects certain things to use and others to discard)
Circulation (carries stuff around and around until you get tired of it or it is worn
out, so it is no longer needed and we are “healed” from carrying that – more
explanation of this later)
Metabolic (converts energy to matter and matter to energy)
Immune (protects by fighting against)
Nervous (takes in data or information through the senses)
Digestion (processes the matter we take in, this matter typically known as food)
Muscle (works against another in order to activate in order to move, known as power)
Hormone (packets of chemicals that emphasize or resize)
Respiration (oxygen or new life in and carbon dioxide or waste out, known as
Reproduction (producing replicas or semi-replicas of ourselves, known as
Structure or Skeleton (the basis, upon which other systems are added)

These systems work the same way whether we are talking about the physical body of a hue-man or the government of a country. There are many other areas in which these systems can be recognized. For example, in the physical body we have a “Circulation” System. Outside the body, we can call this same System “Transportation,” and “Media.” The process is the same – carrying something, regardless of in what area of life we think of the System.

“The Plan” is also known as Destiny, DNA, Architecture, Astrology, etc. We will discuss Destiny vs. Free Will in a later writing.

When moving counter-clockwise from Virgo, The Plan, what were known as Libra and Aquarius are in the Tie and Wrap (Trap)™ position of “The Plan.” In Piscean Age Astrology, you would call this “fixed”. Again, more about this later, with graphics to help you comprehend the information.

Since the Astrologies of the Pisces Age and previous Ages use “signs,”, we have new names for the Systems, so that we can easily distinguish between astrologies of the past and Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™. Each System is represented as a character and you will see those graphics in another writing when we show you the full CrystaLine BrainTrain™.

Libra is now known as Val U. Refining™ (Filtering System) and Aquarius is “Observer, the New Run Surfer,” (neuron activity or Nervous System).

Today, as I write this, the Sun and Mars are at 17 degrees of Aquarius. In the new Astrology, King Sun and Countess Penny Marks™ are sitting on the 8th Seat of the CrystaLine BrainTrain™ car we call Observer, the New Run Surfer™.

The 8th seat is Tie-and-Wrap (Trap)™ motion. Therefore, I must write this today and place it on my blog.

For a moment we will look at Rounder Sounder V. Pounder™ (Saturn), the indicator of the Muscle System (Aries), which is known as Muscle Hustle™. In Piscean Age lingo, this would be Saturn indicating Aries. However, in Piscean Age Astrology, Saturn is NOT the indicator of Aries.

Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™ and Piscean Age Astrology are NOT the same. They are two very different perspectives and each has something to offer. One is NOT better than the other, just different.

VERY IMPORTANT: the new astrology does NOT replace the others. It is simply another perspective. Over the course of history, each time new ideas came to the forefront, people ingrained in the previous mindsets had a very difficult time with the new ideas. Hence, the Master Jesus the Christed One was NOT appreciated by those from the Aries Age.

Piscean Age Astrology did NOT replace Vedic Astrology. Vedic is still available and used, extremely well in my opinion, by many Astrologers on this planet. Piscean Age Tropical Astrology added new ideas.

With some clients, I continue to use Piscean Age Astrology. With Initiates, who are seeking a Higher Consciousness and no longer ONLY interested in a love partner, money, etc., I use Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™. It is important to offer the right “food” to the individual, depending on his or her processing system (what will best nourish at a particular time).

While walking around in a counter-clockwise movement, Rounder Sounder V. Pounder™ has moved to the 7th Train Car from his home, Muscle Hustle™. RSVP™ is sitting on the 8th Seat in that 7th car. It will take you some time to get used to this idea.

In other words, transiting Saturn (RSVP™), which is the indicator of the Muscle or Power System (Muscle Hustle™) is now at its peak position for the world. Peak position is always shown as the 7th Step, a separating step and a place of potential to s-peak. Hence, people all over the world are speaking up and speaking out. This is also the position of potential to become Aware of much more than the self.

In Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and other countries, people who have been silent all their lives are now ready to break through the wall of silence and speak through words and actions.

This activity has been developing, even is subconsciously in the individuals. They have been looking at the physical world around them. They have been determining how acceptable their situation is emotionally. They have been labeling their blessings and their discontents. The discontents have been more than the blessings. Finally, they have reached the breaking point and have begun to speak to the matter.
They are establishing demands they expect to be met. For the first time in 28 to 30 years of observations, feelings, thoughts, etc., they have been energized to act. It is interesting that Hosni Mubarak has been in power for 30 years (he was appointed Vice President in 1975 and assumed the office of President Oct. 14, 1981, when President Anwar Sedat was assassinated.

Again, RSVP™ is in this 7th car from home, but sitting on the 8th Seat of the car. While on the 7th Seat (15 degrees of the filtering system + and – a bit, Val U. Refining), a great deal of Awareness was coming to the forefront. Once RSVP™ got up from the 7th Seat and moved to the 8th Seat, the indicator announced “fixed action” or “no more talking – we are going to do something about this.” The groups have gotten together and have started with peaceful protests and demands.

Some, of course, add violence to the mix, but most individuals want to be heard and want a better life and, MOST OF ALL, want a democracy in which their voice is heard.

U.S. Election
Some readers may ask, “So where was Saturn on Nov. 2, 2010, when the U.S. elections took such a turn?” Saturn or RSVP™ was sitting on the 6th seat of the Filtering System train car. This seat is an actual physical change. People handed in ballots that ordered change. The number 6 is a number of major change and it is physical earthquake type of change, not just wishing, etc.

Americans already have a democracy in which people are free to speak their minds. Americans, at least some, speak out all the time. Speaking out so forcefully is a new idea in Middle Eastern countries ruled by puppets rather than by duly elected representatives of the people.

Back to current position of RSVP™:
On the 8th Seat in the filtering system train car, Saturn focuses on frozen muscle action or fixed action, which can be peaceful demonstrations or riots. Simultaneously, it is connected to the 9th Seat, where connections to the best minds and thoughts are done, but the thoughts are implemented in an argumentative manner.

At the same time Saturn is sitting on the 8th seat, it is revealing what is happening on the 10th seat, the idea of bringing to earth or bringing down the old physical structures in order to create a new structure (in the case of Egypt, etc., create new governments). This is the position of the fall. It is the 10th position, so full of tension (10th Seat). The 10th Seat is the 3rd Seat from the 8th Seat and 3rd Step always deals with revealing.

Saturn is forcing out (11th Seat) the people standing side by side (look at the numeral 11).

RSVP™ is pinning down, sensing, pinning hopes on washing away the old regime and, once that is done at the 12th Seat, we are back to 1 and planning for a new day.

We observe RSVP™ or Saturn in one place (on one Seat on a train car), but it simultaneously exerts influence in other positions on the same car as well as on other train cars.

Much more about all this will be revealed.

Before closing, we do want to look at the fact that today, RSVP™ or Saturn is trine the Sun (King Dennis the Aware™) and Mars (Countess Penny Marks™).

King Dennis is the indicator of the Planning or DNA System (Sun serves as indicator of Virgo), and Countess Penny Marks™ is the indicator of the Protection and Immunity System (Mars indicating Capricorn).


King Dennis actually has 4 levels, which we won’t go into here.

Both King and Countess are sitting on the 8th Seat in the Observer Car or Nervous System, which takes in info, processes it, and puts out action or does nothing).

King Sun is the indicator of the Destiny or DNA System, so when on the Observer Car, he is in 6th Step from Home or physical changes, not just dreams and wishes.

Countess is the indicator of the Immune or Protective System. When sitting in the Observer car, she is in 2nd Step position using observation as a tool for protection.

There will be more about this later.

Transiting Saturn is at 17 Libra trine transiting Sun conjunct Mars at 17 Aquarius.

All three Character Builders™ (our term for the planets) are sitting on the 8th Seats of the cars in which they are . This seat is fixed motion or actually doing something about a situation.

Much more can be written about this, especially more explanation regarding King Sun™ and Countess Penny Marks™. However, we will leave that for another time.

What is important: the muscles are responsible for allowing new birth as they participate in the dilating of the cervix to open the birth canal so that the new child can be born (more info on the actual physical process can be found at )

The entire time Saturn or RSVP™ is sitting in the Libra or Val U. Refining™ train car, the emphasis is on separating the structures so that something new can be born. This is Apt™ to be Aware™ position, so it is only when Saturn or RSVP™ moves into the next System of Scorpio, known in Masters Aquarian Age Astrology™ as Sir Lance and Sir Trance Circles™, that we will become more aware of the reality of what is happening in the world.

Therefore, we all will be experiencing so much more as the New Consciousness is born. We become uplifted and more Aware.

There is so much more to say, but that must come in future segments.

The Stars tell all. We are learning to read their messages.

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